- Cheyenne Village has successfully served adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities receiving funding from federal/state programs and we are concerned for those awaiting services and those who are not eligible.
- Cheyenne Village would like to address this national problem at a community level by providing private pay services. All services currently offered to our state/federal residents will be offered on a private pay structure.
- Cheyenne Village offers a variety of services that are individually tailored to meet the needs of each person, and we are committed to care for them across their adult lifespan. The age range is 21 to 80 years old. As the individual’s needs increase and change, the level of care increases and changes. Thirty-six percent of the individuals we serve have been with us for 20 years or more.
- Stability: Each individual in our private pay program will be receiving consistent services from the same staff person specifically hired for this program alone.
- Cheyenne Village private pay offers services and supports on an hourly basis in 3 hour increments or Comprehensive Residential Services including 24/7 support, whichever fits your need.
- Hourly Services (3 continuous hours of services). Services listed below may be purchased in 3 hour increments. For example, Joan would like 3 hours of respite one week and 3 hours of personal financing the following week for a total of 6 hours of private pay services for the month.
- Personal Care: Services in the home such as; hygiene, dressing, meals, cooking, laundry, cleaning, shopping, or problem solving.
- Supported Community Connections: Recreation/Respite: Cheyenne Village assists in the development of friendships, hobbies and health through our Supported Community Connections program. Transportation is also provided to community activities.
- Benefits Coordination: Cheyenne Village has a designated full-time benefits coordinator who ensures that individuals we serve obtain and maintain all benefits for which they are eligible, including Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, SSI, Food Stamps, LEAP, HUD, etc.
- Personal Financial Management: Cheyenne Village assists individuals with money management to include paying bills, personal spending and maintaining a checkbook.
For those individuals seeking 24/7 care, we currently have three residential settings: group homes, apartments, or host homes. Each residential option has different levels of supervision, all services listed below are included.
Housing and services may be provided in:
- Group homes where employees are present and awake 24/7 for individuals who need high levels of care,
- Apartments or Family homes where staff provide daily support determined by the individual’s needs. Accessible supervision is also available via On Call staff or on location employees,
- Host homes where individuals live in the home of a caregiver(s) who provides 24/7 support.
- Health Care Coordination: Cheyenne Village has three nurses on staff who manage the healthcare needs. Services include Dietician consultation. medical scheduling and transportation. labs and certified medication administration.
- On-site/On-Call Support: Cheyenne Village provides a full time on-call person available 24/7, 365 days per year.
- Personal Welfare: Cheyenne Village provides for the safety and wellbeing of each individual while encouraging as much independence as deemed appropriate.
- Service Coordination: The Service Coordinator assesses the individual’s needs and abilities, health and safety then will develops an Individual Service Support Plan. Behavioral supports and consultation are also available as needed. We offer annual review of plan and weekly/monthly contact of individual progress.
- Supported Community Connections/Respite: Cheyenne Village assists in the development of friendships, hobbies and health through our Outreach program. Transportation is also provided to routine community activities.
- Benefits Coordination: Cheyenne Village has a designated full-time benefits coordinator who ensures that individuals we serve obtain and maintain all benefits for which they are eligible, including Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, SSI, Food Stamps, LEAP, HUD, etc.
- Personal Financial Management: Cheyenne Village assists individuals with money
management to include paying bills. personal spending and maintaining a checkbook.
Contact Cortney Alexander at (719) 572-7467
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