The greatest thing about working at Cheyenne Village is the simple fact that staff get it. Even through the Covid outbreak the staff continue to serve our clients with dignity, with grace, and of course humor. They never cease to amaze me at how they pull together to make sure the clients’ needs are met. I’m so appreciative and always in awe of how they simply get it.
Kate Rhoads, Team Leader
Meet Our Heroes

Cynthia Hampton, Host Home Coordinator
I started working at Cheyenne Village in 1998. I currently work as a Host Home Coordinator.
A Host Home Provider is an individual or family who wants to make a difference in the life of an adult with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) while having the satisfaction of owning their own business. Host Home Providers welcome a person with I/DD into their home to become part of their family and provide support and companionship they need to thrive.
What I like best about my job is interacting with the Host Home Providers and being able to be a part of overseeing the care and knowing that the Person Served is actually being a part of a loving home!
Karen Scannell, Assistant Director of Community Services
“What I like about working for Cheyenne Village is working directly with the clients and their families. I have the privilege of getting to know the individuals we serve on a personal level and it’s so gratifying.“
Chantel Kamlan, Team Leader
“I like working for Cheyenne Village because the energy I put in is returned to me tenfold from the clients. Nearly everything I do is completed with the knowledge that it can (and usually does) directly affect the individuals we serve.
The quality of service, the willingness to go the extra mile and think outside of the box are all reasons why I work here.”