A Place of My Own

Cheyenne Village has stayed true to its mission as demand for its services has grown. Cheyenne Village’s population now totals over 400 adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), ages 18-84, from all across the Pikes Peak Region. The individuals we serve live in a variety of settings:

  • Apartments
  • Host Homes
  • Group Homes
  • Companion Homes

Twenty-nine percent have been with us for 20 years or more. Our clients deal with significant medical and behavioral challenges. Cheyenne Village’s skilled and compassionate employees are committed to providing longevity and continuity to these individuals—often for their lifetimes.

If Cheyenne Village didn’t exist, these individuals may otherwise be placed in state-run institutions or nursing homes, which can be inappropriate settings for many individuals with I/DD.

Our State estimates that caring for individuals with I/DD costs approximately $500 per day per individual. Cheyenne Village’s cost for community-based programs is $170 per day.

There are over 2,900 individuals with I/DD on the Colorado Medicaid Waiver waiting list for services, and approximately 550 of those individuals live in our community. The wait for services can be as long as ten years. Because the Colorado Legislature passed a bill with a goal to eliminate the waiting list by the year 2020, we must be prepared to serve many more individuals. As a result, the Cheyenne Village Board of Directors made the strategic decision to expand into four neighborhoods in Colorado Springs.

We began the fundraising for expansion in 2018 and achieved the goal of reaching $3 million in 2020.

Download the PDF to read the details of the Major Gifts Campaign

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Inclusive Housing – Major Gifts Campaign

With the housing market shrinking and the lack of affordable housing, it challenges home buyers and apartment renters to afford housing due to rising home prices and rents.

Cheyenne Village has embarked on a Major Gifts Campaign to transition to inclusive housing that will create opportunities for growth and expansion into new neighborhoods.

Funding from this campaign will be used to expand and serve more individuals with the highly desirable community apartment living model and the small single family living model.

Cheyenne Village has already purchased two homes and is currently looking to purchase two more homes for this expansion.  Cheyenne Village proposes to expand services into established neighborhoods close to shopping and public transportation.

Cheyenne Village will be purchasing homes in four neighborhoods, with direct care staff having an office at each of the homes. A team of staff will work 24/7 in each of the newly acquired homes and provide ongoing support and supervision to the individuals who live in the homes. In addition, that same staff will support individuals living in nearby apartment complexes.  By creating this sort of neighborhood-within-a-neighborhood, our staff is always available and in contact with the individuals we serve:

  • Those who have higher needs and require 24/7 care will live in the newly-acquired homes.
  • Individuals who do not require 24/7 on-site staff supervision will live in surrounding apartments. For these individuals, our staff will assist with daily tasks such as cooking, shopping, going to a doctor or dentist appointment and medication administration.
  • All individuals served by Cheyenne Village receive compassionate and professional services that set Cheyenne Village apart.

The individuals Cheyenne Village cares for are often considered to be a hidden population whose families recognize how fortunate Colorado Springs is to have such an organization to care for their loved ones with I/DD.


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